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Registration for the 2025 season will begin Jan 1st 2025 and closes Feb 14th 2025 for Rookie - 14U BB & SB Programs; G-E-T Legion Post 354 BB & SB Registration closes April 30, 2025. T-ball closes April 1, 2025; Swim Team closes April 30, 2025; Track & Field closes May 1, 2025. *No refunds without Board Approval.


Online Registration: 

We thank you for letting your children participate in Swim, Ball and Track and Field with us.

Online Registration will start January 1st and go to February 15th under "Registration Info".  T-ball registration will be extended until April 1st and swim team's until  March 1st. 

Feel free to contact your child's team Director or Representative with further questions. This information is located under "Staff" or "About Us" under "Board and Directors". 

How ball teams will be formed:

Baseball and softball teams will be formed by grade. Any requests to play up a grade can be made to the board.
Those that played on a team other than their own grade level are welcome to continue playing on that team. Any questions please email [email protected] or message us on our Facebook page. 

If the team you signed up for has 10 kids on the field we'll determine the best course of action with directors and coaches. Each teams director will make the call if they want to involve the board or not once they receive their teams roster after registration cut-off.  

In the situation where more than the allotted kids per team are signed up (i.e. 14 or 15 or more) the TYSC board will discuss how this should be handled.

T-ball will be a mix of children who have completed 4K and K. Participants will be split by school year class groups as evenly as  possible.  For 9U baseball/10U softball and below teams will be formed of equal talent to the best of ability.  
As the teams get older starting with 10U the director(s) and coaches can decide if they want it split up teams in other formats. Teams may be formed to enter into different divisions. 
Online registration will begin on January 1st and go to February 15th. If your child decides they no longer want to participate in TYSC/GASR (before February 15) after you have registered them you can get a full refund back. Please email [email protected]. There will be no refunds given after February 15th unless there are special circumstances and with board approval. 

Swim Team:

Update on Swim team with the Galesville pool closing. The Galesville Gators would like to remain as the Gators but will be using the Trempealeau pool for their practice. Trempealeau's pool manager has worked with Galesville and Trempealeau to coordinate how practices will be handled. Both teams will have one day a week where they'll have the pool to themselves for practice. The other day's both teams will have practice together but with their own coaches and life guard staff present.

2022 Swim Team Practice Times

Track & Field:

Update on track and field for G-E-T Youth sports. This program will be included in the TYSC/GASR registration and be available to participate in. There are two divisions in track based on age of child. Group one is the 6-8 year old children. Group two is 9-14 year old children. The focus in track to get a good understanding of the sport and bring fun and enthusiasm to this great activity.

2023 Track & Field Team Practice Times starting June 5th to July 21st

Group One: 6-8 year old 
   - Monday, Wednesday & Friday's  from 11am-12:00pm

Group Two: 9-14 year old 
   - Monday, Wednesday & Friday's from 12:30pm-2:00pm

Contact Us

G-E-T Youth Sports Club (Coop of TYSC and GASR)

PO Box 263 
Trempealeau, Wisconsin 54661

Email Us: [email protected]
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